the answer to it is yes you can. southwest flight cancellations provides the cancellation facilities 24 hours after booking till 24 hours before the departure of the flight. As soon as you get the cancellation confirmation mail you can move ahead by applying for the refund and get the booking money back.
What happens if I cancel my Southwest flight within 24 hours?
If I cancel my reservation within 24 hours of booking, can I get a refund? Yes, you can choose either to a) receive a method-of-payment refund or b) hold the value of the ticket as a flight credit or Transferable Flight CreditTM (depending on the fare) to buy a future flight.
Can you cancel a flight and get a refund?
If you cancel the ticket, you may be charged a fee. If the airline cancels the flight, you're entitled to a full cash refund. You can cancel a ticket essentially up until the day of travel, so there's no sense in canceling early and paying a fee.
Can I get a refund with Southwest if I cancel within 24 hours?
What happens if I cancel my Southwest flight?
No cancel fees. No change fees. Failure to cancel a reservation at least 10 minutes prior to departure may result in forfeited travel funds. Fare difference may apply.
Can you cancel any flight within 24 hours?
How can I cancel my flight without penalty? If it's within 24 hours of booking, and you're more than seven days out from your departure on a flight to or from the US booked directly with the airline, you can cancel your flight with no penalty through the airline with which you booked.
Can you cancel a flight within 24 hours of departure?
The 24-hour rule is a regulation from the US Department of Transportation that says airlines must offer either free 24-hour price hold (so you can lock in the price and purchase within 24 hours) or free cancellation for 24 hours.