The main reason why the cabin crew ask you to close the window blinds is that when the sun rises, the cabin will still be dark so that people can keep sleeping. On newer aircrafts like the Boeing 787, which has electronically controlled window blinds, the cabin crew can do it centrally (and will do).
Why do airlines want the window shades closed?
The flight crew wanted to keep the plane dark.Airlines will often ask passengers to close window shades during night flights as a favor to those who wish to sleep. Even during the daytime, many fliers enjoy a darkened cabin so they can better see the screens on their laptops, tablets or in-seat monitors.
Can a flight attendant force you to close the window shade?
Or the flight attendants? Now technically, each airline sets their own policy for window shades. However, since no airline actually includes this in their conditions of carriage, it would be almost impossible for them to forcefully impose window shade rules beyond standard etiquette inflight.
Why do flight attendants get divorced?
Flight attendants“Flight attendants are away often, meet many potential [affair] candidates, and don't make time for their spouse" due to their travel schedule, says Saunders, who adds that it's not unusual for flight attendants to have affairs with other crew members.
Why do flight attendants close the curtain?
Why do window shades have to be open for takeoff?
This has to do with being able to check outside conditions in the event of emergencies.” Passengers may have to help with this safety check, since there could be times when a flight attendant won't be near an exit door or may not be in a condition to check themselves.
Why do flight attendants ask passengers to raise the window shades during landing?
Therefore, airlines require passengers to open their window shades during takeoffs and landings to allow for eyesight adjustment. It acclimates passengers' eyes to the outside environment so that they can exit the airplane if an emergency occurs.
Do flight attendants have a secret room?
They have their own bedrooms in which to take power naps. These bedrooms are hidden from passengers. They can be tucked behind a secret stairway or even accessed through a hatch that looks like a typical overhead bin. Visit Insider's homepage for more stories.
What profession has the lowest divorce rate?
What Are The Jobs With The Lowest Divorce Rate?
- Actuaries: 17% divorce rate.
- Physical scientists: 18.9% divorce rate.
- Medical and life scientists: 19.6% divorce rate.
- Clergy: 19.8% divorce rate.
- Software developers: 20.3% divorce rate.
Why flight attendant divorce rate is high?
Flight attendants“Flight attendants are away often, meet many potential [affair] candidates, and don't make time for their spouse" due to their travel schedule, says Saunders, who adds that it's not unusual for flight attendants to have affairs with other crew members.