Who did the Transcontinental Railroad negatively affect?

But there was also a dark side to the historic national project. The railroad was completed by the sweat and muscle of exploited labor, it wiped out populations of buffalo, which had been essential to Indigenous communities, and it extended over land that had been unlawfully seized from tribal nations.

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What group did not work on the Transcontinental Railroad?

The group that did not work on the transcontinental railroad was American Indians. Chinese immigrants, Irish immigrants, and Civil War veterans were among the groups that worked on the transcontinental railroad. The transcontinental railroad was a major achievement in American history.

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In what way were farmers negatively affected by the Transcontinental Railroad?

The railroads also fleeced the small farmer. Farmers were often charged higher rates to ship their goods a short distance than a manufacturer would pay to transport wares a great distance.

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Which two groups of immigrants had a huge impact on the building of the Transcontinental Railroad?

Whitney suggested the use of Irish and German immigrant labor, which was in great abundance at the time. Wages were to be paid in land, thus ensuring that there would be settlers along the route to supply produce to and become patrons of the completed line.

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What groups were involved in the Transcontinental Railroad?

Beginning in 1863, the Union Pacific, employing more than 8,000 Irish, German, and Italian immigrants, built west from Omaha, Nebraska; the Central Pacific, whose workforce included over 10,000 Chinese laborers, built eastward from Sacramento, California.

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How did the transcontinental railroad affect the Native American people?

Native AmericansThe railroad was probably the single biggest contributor to the loss of the bison, which was particularly traumatic to the Plains tribes who depended on it for everything from meat for food to skins and fur for clothing, and more.

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Which group of people did the transcontinental railroad negatively impact?

Who opposed the transcontinental railroad?

The failure of Congress to act on Whitney's proposal was mainly due to the vigorous opposition of Sen. Thomas Hart Benton of Missouri, who favored a western route originating at St. Louis.

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How did the transcontinental railroad affect natives?

The Transcontinental Railroad dramatically altered ecosystems. For instance, it brought thousands of hunters who killed the bison Native people relied on. The Cheyenne experience was different. The railroad disrupted intertribal trade on the Plains, and thereby broke a core aspect of Cheyenne economic life.

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How did railroads impact farmers?

Steel rails linked the farms and the mills. The railroads provided the efficient, relatively cheap transportation that made both farming and milling profitable. They also carried the foodstuffs and other products that the men and women living on the single-crop bonanza farms needed to live.

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What were the problems with the Transcontinental Railroad?

Each company faced unprecedented construction problems—mountains, severe weather, and the hostility of Native Americans. On May 10, 1869, in a ceremony at Promontory, Utah, the last rails were laid and the last spike driven.

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What 3 groups of immigrants were used as labor in building railroads?

The building of the Transcontinental Railroad relied on the labor of thousands of migrant workers, including Chinese, Irish, and Mormons workers. On the western portion, about 90% of the backbreaking work was done by Chinese migrants.

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Which groups of people were the main workers on the railroad?

Leland Stanford, president of Central Pacific, former California governor and founder of Stanford University, told Congress in 1865, that the majority of the railroad labor force were Chinese.

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How did the transcontinental railroad impact pioneers?

It made the Western U.S. more important.In particular, it helped turn California from a once-isolated place to a major economic and political force and helped lead to the state's rapid growth.

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