What can I take to prevent Bali belly?

Some doctors recommend the oral cholera vaccine to reduce the risk of bali belly – it has been found to reduce the incidence of traveler's diarrhoea by half as it suppresses the E. coli bacteria. You may also need a vaccination for Typhoid and Hepatitis A.

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How do you get rid of Bali belly fast?

These are the top 6 ways to treat Bali Belly that you can do:

  1. Coconut Water. Coconut water is believed to be a natural remedy to neutralize toxins in the body. …
  2. Yakult. …
  3. Others Probiotics Drink. …
  4. Norit or Charcoal Tablets. …
  5. Travelan and Imodium. …
  6. Contact Bali Clinic or On-Call Doctor.
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How do you control Bali belly?

How can you avoid Bali Belly?

  1. Make sure all meat and seafood is thoroughly cooked (not raw or rare)
  2. Avoid the following foods while travelling: Sushi. Unpasteurised dairy products milk/cheese/ice cream. …
  3. Water: Don't drink tap water. Don't use tap water to brush your teeth. …
  4. Hygiene: Wash your hands after using the toilet.
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Should you take Imodium if you have Bali belly?

Imodium stops diarrhoea. However, the germs remain in the body, which is rather counterproductive. Therefore, you should only take it in acute emergencies, when you get it on the road, or you are travelling for a long time, such as on the plane home.

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Should I take probiotics before going to Bali?

Probiotics should be started at least two weeks prior to your planned travel. This helps in seeding the helpful bacteria in the gut. This, in turn, will optimize immune function and help ensure good health while travelling. However, it is important to continue taking the probiotic throughout the travel.

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What pills prevent travelers diarrhea?

Can medications prevent travelers' diarrhea? Yes. Pepto-Bismol has been used for a number of years to prevent travelers' diarrhea. Studies show that if adults take the equivalent of two tabs four times a day, it can decrease the incidence of travelers' diarrhea up to 60%.

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Is it better to let a stomach bug run its course or take Imodium?

Anything??? As with most viral infections, there is no medication to cure the illness. Over the counter anti-diarrheal medications like PeptoBismol and Imodium can prolong and even worsen symptoms. In order to achieve recovery, the infection must “run its course”.

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What should I eat if I have a belly in Bali?

Bland diet is a way to go, options are those easily digested foods. You can eat soup and stews, bananas, potatoes, rice, bone broth or clear soup, apples and applesauce, also white bread. The key is to consume simple carbohydrates, minerals from vegetables, fiber and salt.

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What can I take to stop Bali belly?

Which probiotic for Bali belly?

Kate the probiotic recommended for travel is Saccharomyces Boulardii. Hubby and I have used it for all our travels throughout south east asian countries and have never been sick with stomache upsets.

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What food is good for Bali belly?

Bland diet is a way to go, options are those easily digested foods. You can eat soup and stews, bananas, potatoes, rice, bone broth or clear soup, apples and applesauce, also white bread.

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What is the fastest way to cure travelers diarrhea?

Learn some ways to treat travelers' diarrhea

  1. Drink lots of fluids. If you get diarrhea, drink lots of fluids to stay hydrated. …
  2. Take over-the-counter drugs. Several drugs, such as loperamide, can be bought over-the-counter to treat the symptoms of diarrhea. …
  3. Only take antibiotics if needed.
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What is the best probiotic to prevent traveler’s diarrhea?

Travelers' DiarrheaThe strongest evidence points to help from Bifidobacterium bifidum, Lactobacillus acidophilus, and Saccharomyces boulardii.

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Do IV drips work for Bali belly?

Bali Belly can leave patients extremely dehydrated. An IV helps quickly replenish not only fluids, but essential electrolytes and sugar.

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Is coconut water good for Bali belly?

Drinking coconut water has proven effective in healing Bali Belly. Coconut water contains many minerals that can reduce the influence of Bali Belly on your body. Besides, coconut water is also useful in replacing fluids lost due to vomiting and diarrhea. Coconut water is believed to increase your immune system.

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What can you drink in Bali for Bali belly?

Good sources of hydration during Bali Belly

  • Bottled water.
  • Black tea.
  • Hot water with honey.
  • Pocari Sweat.
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Why does Coke help stomach flu?

The quick and popular remedy — usually in the form of cola, ginger ale or clear sodas — is said to help settle the stomach with its slight fizz and replenish fluids and glucose lost by vomiting and diarrhea.

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Will Zofran stop a stomach virus?

Zofran (ondansetron) can be used in emergency situations to treat severe vomiting and diarrhea in children with acute gastroenteritis (stomach flu). It's also a drug commonly used to prevent severe nausea and vomiting in people undergoing cancer chemotherapy or radiation therapy.

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