Can you use a travel card at an ATM?

You can use your Travel Money Card in stores, online, at ATMs, in bank branches, over the phone and by mail wherever Visa is accepted.

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Can I withdraw cash from my travel card?

Yes you can. You can use any ATM that's accepts Mastercard. Fees will apply for every cash withdrawal. These fees are detailed online or on your welcome letter.

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Can you use GTCC at ATM?

ATM fees include cash advance withdrawal fees imposed by the government-sponsored travel charge card (GTCC) company, as well as fees the ATM charges. Military Members may be reimbursed for ATM fees while on official duty when using the GTCC or a personal charge/bank card.

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Can you withdraw cash from government travel card?

You can either withdraw the cash using your Government Travel Credit Card or you can withdraw the money from your personal account. If you chose to withdraw the money using your GOVCC/GTCC, please ensure that you reflect that your disbursement for lodging is sent to your GOVCC/GTCC.

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Where can I withdraw money from my travel card?

To withdraw money from travel card, you need to insert your card into any ATM machine abroard and follow the instruction. It is as simple as withdrawing money from your regular bank card.

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How do I withdraw my travel card?

You can simply tap and go for every day purchases or withdraw funds from an ATM. The only time you really need to be online is if you want to manage your funds via our easy to use app or website.

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Can you take money out of the ATM with GTC travel card?

A Personal Identification Number (PIN) is required for ATM access. You may not obtain ATM advances earlier than three working days before the scheduled travel and not at all at completion of travel. ATM and cash advance fees are charged by the travel card vendor, and may also be charged by the ATM owner.

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Can I use travel card in ATM?

What is the maximum withdrawal from the government travel card?

There are two types of IBAs, Standard and Restricted. Standard cards are issued to individuals with a FICO credit score above 659. The default limits are $7,500 for credit, $250 for cash, and $250 for retail purchases. Restricted cards are issued to individuals with a FICO credit score below 660.

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What is the withdrawal limit per day in travel card?

Fees and limits

LIMITS3USD (for Currency equivalent)
Maximum load over 12 month period**As prescribed by the Reserve Bank of India/FEMA guidelines from time to time, for the purpose of the visit abroad.
Maximum amount you can withdraw from ATMs in any 24 hoursaUS$10,000
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How much is international ATM withdrawal fee?

3%You get charged every time you withdraw cash from an ATM or pay for items with your Debit Mastercard or Keycard overseas or where there is an overseas connection. International transaction fee: 3% of the transaction value.

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Is a travel card like a debit card?

Once you reach your destination, you can then use the Travel Card just like you use a Debit Card for making payments.

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What happens if you accidentally use your government travel card?

Government Travel Card Misuse and DelinquencyThe GTCC is not for use for personal purchases or when not on official travel. Failure to use the GTCC in an authorized manner may lead to suspension or revocation of the GTCC as well as disciplinary action, up to and including removal from Federal Service.

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What happens if you accidentally use your GTC?

Government Travel Card Misuse and DelinquencyThe GTCC is not for use for personal purchases or when not on official travel. Failure to use the GTCC in an authorized manner may lead to suspension or revocation of the GTCC as well as disciplinary action, up to and including removal from Federal Service.

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What can I use my government travel card for?

The GTCC should be used to pay for all of the cardholder's official travel expenses, including but not limited to meals, lodging, rental vehicles, and airfare.

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How much can I withdraw from ATM with government travel card?

The amount of cash withdrawals may not exceed the amount stated on the travel orders and may not exceed $_ per billing cycle. If my account is not delinquent and my travel orders authorize a larger advance, I can request an increase in the cash withdrawal limit up to $1,000 by calling 1-800-CASH-NOW.

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