Do I need hiking shoes in Greece?

Even if you're planning lots of walking and some hiking, most of the Greek terrain likely to be encountered by the average traveler will be best taken in a good pair of hiking shoes or walking shoes … or even the fashion faux pas of heavy socks and hiking sandals.

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What shoes to wear in Fira Santorini?

Flip-flops for the beach. Hiking sandals, running shoes, and hiking boots for long mountain walks or hiking to less accessible beaches. Cute but comfy flat sandals to go out at night. Streets on most islands are not paved, but they're those picturesque but uncomfortable cobblestoned alleys, so heels are not a great …

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Do I need hiking shoes in Santorini?

Can I use walking shoes for hiking?

While it's perfectly fine to take a pair of walking shoes on a gentle, well-maintained trail, if you're going to be hiking regularly or on more challenging terrains, investing in a good pair of hiking shoes is recommended.

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Do I need trainers Santorini?

Santorini has many paved paths, so trainers are most recommended. You will also need them for hiking at the volcano or the Oia – Fira hiking path.

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What colors not to wear when hiking?

“Avoid colors that don't blend in with nature, like browns and greens. Wear, red, yellow or orange. Dogs are not allowed on CMC hikes, but if you're hiking with a dog, they should also wear a blaze orange vest.” That is also the advice – and the law – for hunters.

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