How much duty-free alcohol can you take into Turkey?

Turkey customsAlcoholic beverages (for travellers aged 18 and over): 1 bottle of 1 litre or 2 bottles of 700 ml./750ml. of wine and/or spirits; 5 bottles of perfume (max. 120 ml.

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What is the duty-free allowance in Turkey 2023?

Turkey duty free1 bottle of 100cl or 2 bottles of 70cl or 75 cl of wine and / or spirits. 600 ml perfume & cosmetic (maximum 120ml of each). 1.5 kg tea, coffee, 1.5 kg instant coffee, 500 g tea, 1kg chocolate, 1 kg confectionery.

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Can I bring alcohol to Turkey in my suitcase?

You can pack as many alcoholic beverages as you want as long as they contain less than 24% alcohol. However, passengers toting alcoholic beverages containing 24% to 70% alcohol can only bring a total of 5 liters of alcohol and they should be in their original unopened packaging.

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What is the custom limit in Turkey?

Custom Allowances

Drinks With More Than 22% Alcohol by Volume (Whiskey, Raki, Vodka etc.)1 Liter3 Liters
Drinks With Less Than 22% Alcohol by Volume (Wine, Champagne etc.)2 Liters6 Liters
Perfume, Cologne, Lavender, Essence or Lotion600 Ml1800 Ml


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Can I bring duty free alcohol through TSA?

For carry-on, same rules apply as above. You are limited to containers of 3.4oz or less that fit in your quart-sized bag. For checked bags you are limited to five liters per passenger. However, it must be in unopened retail packaging!

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Can I take duty free alcohol through Istanbul airport?

Duty Free Allowance for Items Purchased Abroad1 liter bottle of wines or spirits OR 2 x 70 cl bottle of wines or spirits. 5 bottles of perfume not exceeding 120 ml each. 1 kg of chocolate (1kg). personal gifts to the maximum value of €300 and €145 for those under 15.

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How much duty free can I take into Turkey?

Can you buy duty-free on arrival in Turkey?

At the Atatürk International Airport of Istanbul, you can also buy duty-free goods upon arrival.

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What is the duty-free limit in Istanbul?

Normal Duty-Free AllowanceFive bottles (of 1 liter each) or seven bottles ( of 700 ml each) of wine and/or spirits. Reasonable amounts of coffee and tea. Five bottles (up to 120 ml each) of perfume. Gifts up to a value of € 255 (or equivalent).

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How much can I bring through customs?

In most cases, the personal exemption is $800, but there are some exceptions to this rule, which are explained below. Depending on the countries you have visited, your personal exemption will be $200, $800, or $1,600.

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How much duty-free liquor can I carry in international flight?

You're limited to 5 liters of alcohol between 24%-70% ABV or 48 – 140 proof. If you purchased the alcohol overseas and have a connecting flight in the United States, the alcohol is allowed in your carry-on bag if; The bottles are packed in a transparent, secure, tamper-evident bag by the retailer.

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What is the alcohol limit on international duty-free flights?

A California resident or any other person crossing the international border via common carrier may bring in a reasonable quantity of alcoholic beverages (up to five cases or 60 liters) provided the beverages are for personal or household use.

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Can I take duty-free through airport security?

Duty free allowancesThis means that you can pick up toiletries, baby food, perfumes, alcohol, and any other security-restricted items at a duty free shop and take them onto the plane with you when you travel. Please note, some flights with connections require you to go through security again.

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