between $99 and $395Ferry price from Mykonos to Santorini can range between $99 and $395 depending on the operator, season and whether you are travelling with a vehicle. The average price of a foot passenger is $196, prices can range between $99 and $395. The average price with a car is $367. Car prices can range between $207 and $592.
What is the cheapest way to get from Mykonos to Santorini?
Pros of getting from Mykonos to Santorini by ferry: Ferries are the fastest and cheapest way to travel from Mykonos to Santorini, especially when no direct flights are available. Our booking engine is rated .
How long does it take to sail from Mykonos to Santorini?
The ferry-crossing duration from Mykonos to Santorini ranges from 2 to 3.5 hr, depending mainly on the type of vessel (high-speed or conventional ferry) and the weather conditions.
How much is it to go from Mykonos to Santorini?
Overview: Ferry from Mykonos to Santorini
Distance | 73 miles |
Average ferry duration | 19 h |
Average ferry ticket price | £80 (€88) |
Direct ferry | No |
Ferry operators | Aegeon Pelagos, Fast Ferries, Seajets, European Seaways, Minoan Lines (Greece domestic), Bluestar Ferries, Golden Star Ferries, Zante Ferries, Blue Star Ferries or Seajets |
Can you get a boat from Mykonos to Santorini?
The ferry crossing from Mykonos to Santorini takes approximately 2 hours and 43 minutes depending on weather conditions during the time of sailing. Mykonos to Santorini ferry duration can range between 1 hour 55 minutes and 2 hours 55 minutes depending on which operator you choose to sail with.
How much is a private boat from Mykonos to Santorini?
How much does it cost to go from Santorini to Mykonos?
The route Santorini (thera) to Mykonos is operated by 4 ferry companies: Seajets, Fast Ferries, Minoan Lines and Golden Star Ferries. This route is operated all year round and the ticket prices range between 26.60 and 156.70 euros, depending on whether you travel with a highspeed or conventional ferry.
Is Mykonos as expensive as Santorini?
In my experience, Santorini was a little more expensive than Mykonos, but not by much. They offer different kinds of experiences. In Santorini, you are paying for the dramatic views and idyllic sunsets. In Mykonos, you are paying to be part of the who's who at the vibrant beach clubs.
Which is prettier Santorini or Mykonos?
The scenery, views, sunsets, and natural beauty of Santorini are unrivaled by Mykonos or any other Greek island. Mykonos is not without its beautiful spots but for scenes that are truly jaw-dropping, Santorini wins hands-down. Santorini is more romantic and much better suited to a honeymoon or couples vacation.
What’s nicer Mykonos or Santorini?
Again, Mykonos wins out because the beaches here are better and the ruins on nearby Delos are magical. But for dreamy scenery that's unlike anywhere else on Earth? There's nowhere that quite rivals Santorini.
Where do billionaires go in Greece?
The Greek island of Mykonos is known as a party capital and is a vacation hot spot for millionaires and billionaires. More than any place I've visited in recent memory, the island feels like two completely different places depending on how much you are willing to spend.