Do short flights serve food?

Economy class meal service varies by flight time: flights under 2 hours: a snack. flights over 2 hours: a main meal.

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How many hours flight do you get food?

How many hours flight do you get food? Meal service is determined by time of day, flying time and mileage, but in general, food is served on flights of approximately four hours or more than 1,750 miles. Meals and snacks are available for purchase on domestic flights longer than 3 1/2 hours or 1,550 miles.

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How long does a flight have to be delayed to get a meal?

Meals: Almost all major U.S. airlines commit to providing meals or meal vouchers in the case of a delay of three or more hours.

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Do you get food on a short haul flight?

How early do you need to be for a short-haul flight?

two hoursA good rule of thumb is to get to the airport at least two hours before your flight is scheduled to depart for short-haul flights. If you have any bags to put in the hold and/or you need to check-in in person (ie. you haven't been able to do so online), you may want to leave a little longer.

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How long can you be on a plane without food?

Rules Protect Airline PassengersAirlines must return planes to the gate and let passengers off any time a flight is sitting on the tarmac for three hours (domestic flights). Airlines must provide passengers with adequate food and water within the first two hours of any tarmac delay.

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Do you get anything for a 2 hour flight delay?

A flight delay of less than 2 hours does not give you any entitlement. In these cases, you can neither claim compensation nor demand benefits from the airline. This is quite understandable. After all, delays can always occur at the airport, which you simply have to accept to a certain extent.

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