Do they speak English in Provence France?

You may have heard that people in France don't speak English, but that's far from the truth. Provence has an excellent tourist infrastructure that includes a lot of English speakers. There are maps and guides that are easily available for travelers, as well as many tours if you decide not to have your own car.

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Do you need to speak French in Provence?

But in order to have a nice chat with random people in France, you will need to speak French. Sure, there are plenty of people in all parts of France who are excited to practice English, but unless their everyday activities really involve a lot of English, conversation will be limited.

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Do people speak English in south of France?

There are many smaller communities in France where high numbers of English-speaking people are located, particularly in the south, such as Languedoc and areas such as Dordogne. At the end of the day, people living in France really need to learn French.

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Do people speak English in Provence?

Do they speak English in Aix-en-Provence?

Many English-speaking people visit Provence, and you will find that almost every hotel and restaurant has staff that speak English. Aix should be absolutely fine, yes.

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Is it better to speak English or Spanish in France?

No, you will have better luck with English. You will not find many Parisians that speak Spanish. So practise a few words of French – Bonjour, Au revoir, merci etc.. to be polite and be apologetic and use your English. Unfortunately I do not speak French, but I do speak Spanish, Italian and some Arabic.

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What is considered disrespectful in France?

Elbows on the table is considered bad manners in France, just as in America. However, the French keep both hands on the table, rather than in the lap. Women do not pour wine for themselves; the man sitting next to them does. Sit up straight, chew quietly and don't laugh or speak too loudly.

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Can you go to Paris if you only speak English?

You can definitely visit Paris without speaking French, however having some basic knowledge can definitely be helpful. If you plan to move to Paris or stay for an extended time, then you will likely want to learn some basic French.

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