What is a fun fact about Paris?

Here are 10 interesting facts about Paris. The Eiffel Tower was supposed to be a temporary installation, intended to stand for 20 years after being built for the 1889 World Fair. Paris was originally a Roman City called “Lutetia.” It's believed that Paris only has one stop sign in the entire city.

What is a fun fact about the Eiffel Tower for kids?

The Eiffel Tower has 1,665 stairs and three viewing platforms. Nearly 50 miles of electric cables cover the structure. There are 120 antennas atop the Eiffel Tower. The tower is made of 18,000 iron pieces bolted together by over 2.5 million rivets.

What is Eiffel best known for?

the Eiffel TowerAn engineer by training, Eiffel founded and developed a company specializing in metal structural work, whose crowning achievement was the Eiffel Tower. He devoted the last thirty years of his life to his experimental research.

What is one fun fact about the Eiffel Tower?

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