And if you wonder which is the warmest side of Lanzarote, the answer is always south. Head to the southern part of the island for warmer weather as coasts are sheltered from the winds. Contrarily, the northern part of Lanzarote is usually a bit colder and cloudier due to the trade winds.
Is Lanzarote known for being windy?
One of the unique things about Lanzarote is the wind, so any lingering rain clouds that might be around in the morning are often blown away for the afternoon, resulting in more great weather for you to hit the beach or take part in your favourite things to do in Lanzarote.
Is the wind in Lanzarote warm?
What months are windy in Lanzarote?
The windiest months in Lanzarote tend to be in July and August followed by April to June. The winds tend to die down a little in september. Daytime temperatures rarely rise above 32°C during the summer months.
What is the prevailing wind in Lanzarote?
N-NEThe predominant wind direction is N-NE and it is most concentrated and fastest during the summer months when the trade winds are at their most intense, with the average annual wind speed varying between 5 and 7 m/s.