Can you buy a house in Greece as a US citizen?

Yes, there are no restrictions on foreigners owning property in Greece. Buying Greek property can be a way to obtain a residence permit and build wealth in Europe.

Can a US citizen buy a house in Greece?

Yes, there are no restrictions on foreigners owning property in Greece. Buying Greek property can be a way to obtain a residence permit and build wealth in Europe.

Are homes free in Antikythera Greece?

Is there a school in Antikythera Greece?

The island of Antikythera is an earthly paradiseThe aging population has seen the village shrink to just twenty residents, with the school, previously shuttered for twenty-four years, only opening again last year after a young family with children moved to the island.

Does Greece have Internet restrictions?

Greece practices some internet censorship, including the blocking of websites that offer unauthorized online gambling.

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