How do I get my Uber rating up?

How can I improve my Uber score?

  1. Be on time. No one wants to be kept waiting – especially when time is money. …
  2. Be respectful. …
  3. Follow the rules. …
  4. Tip your driver (even a little), and other suggestions. …
  5. For those sharing a ride with others, you can't change your destination or the drop-off order.

How long does it take your Uber rating to update?

As a driver, I am an infrequent rider, so I have been able to test this. Passenger ratings take about a week after a trip to update on the passenger's end. This is in order to protect drivers from retaliatory ratings by intentionally obfuscating which driver rated you.

Why won’t my Uber rating go up?

Is 4.66 a bad Uber rating?

Don't sweat it, 4.66 tells drivers that you've taken lots of rides and it's really not a bad number. The most common reason to get a lower rating is by making the driver wait.

How do I find out who gave me a bad rating on Uber?

Here's how to find your score:

  • Open the Uber app on your phone.
  • Choose Account on the bottom right.
  • Select Settings.
  • Tap Privacy.
  • Choose Privacy Center.
  • Select See Summary.
  • Now click View my ratings.

At what rating does Uber drop you?

Low-performing drivers — those with an average of four stars or less — were at risk of deactivation. Even some poorly behaved passengers could get kicked off the platform if they received enough one-star ratings. Now, Uber is offering its customers fresh insight into how they are perceived by drivers.

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