Should I do the Road to Hana in reverse?

However, the Road to Hana can also be driven in reverse, going from Hana backwards to Kahulu. Some people choose to do this based on proximity. If you're staying closer to Hana than Kahului, then you can drive the reverse version, if the opposite is true, then you can drive the customary counter-clockwise route.

Where does the Road to Hana start?

The 64.4 mile Road to Hana starts officially in the town of Kahului. From there, it winds along the northeastern edge of Maui, where it concludes in the village of Hana.

How long does it take to drive the back Road to Hana?

With stops, expect that you'll spend six hours getting to Hana. You likely won't stop on your way back, so the return trip should take three hours.

Where do you start the reverse Road to Hana?

What is the backside of the Road to Hana?

HaleakalaThe Back Road to HanaIf nature has a voice on the road to Hana, then it takes on a different timbre just past Kipahulu. Called “The Beyond” by some, “the backside of Haleakala” by others, this isolated, gorgeous road grants visitors one of the most telling glimpses of Maui's vibrant history.

Which route is better for Road to Hana?

The most popular route for the Road to Hana is to drive from Kahului to Hana along Route 360. This iconic route will take you through Paia Town and down Route 360 towards Hana Town. This is an out and back Road to Hana route. With this route for the Road to Hana, you will make stops as you drive toward Hana.

How hard is the back Road to Hana?

The road is unpaved but well-graded dirt for five miles, and at some points it is only one lane wide and has precipitous drop-offs, but at no point is 4WD essential. The only time you would need 4WD is during a torrential rainstorm—and in that situation, you should stay off the road altogether.

What is the first waterfall on the Road to Hana?

Twin FallsTwin Falls is the first waterfall group along the Road to Hana at mile marker 2. There is a fruit stand by the entrance to the trail.

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