If you're planning to visit a single country, you can choose the One Country Pass for that country. If you want to visit multiple countries, the Global Pass (valid in 33 European countries) is your best bet. Secondly, you should choose a Pass that matches the number of days you plan to use the European train network.
What is the difference between 1st class and 2nd class on rail Europe?
1st class seats are often marginally roomier, and tend to offer more luxurious upholstery. However, most 2nd class seats are perfectly comfortable and well-maintained.
Does Eurail Pass include food?
A 1st class Eurail Pass is more expensive than a 2nd class Eurail Pass, but it also gives you access to seats with more space and extras that can even include food and beverages. Check out our complete overview of differences between 1st and 2nd class to find out everything you need to know.