Is Mauna Loa and Mauna Kea the same?

The rocks of Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa have very different chemical compositions. Loa-type basalts have lower amounts of lead, and higher amounts of silicates, for instance. Mauna Loa also “contains higher proportions of an igneous rock called pyroxenite, which comes from subducted ocean crust.” (Subduction, so awesome.)Cached

Has Mauna Kea ever erupted?

Mauna Kea last erupted about 4,500 years ago and is likely to erupt again. Its quiescent periods between eruptions are long compared to those of the active volcanoes Hualālai (which erupts every few hundred years), Mauna Loa (which erupts every few years to few tens of years) and Kīlauea (which erupts every few years).

What is so special about Mauna Kea in Hawaii?

As the highest point in not only Hawaiʻi but the entire Pacific Basin, Maunakea serves an important role in the scientific community as a hub of astronomical observation. From the dry, cloudless atmosphere of Maunakea, it is possible to observe galaxies at the farthest edges of the observable universe.

Is the observatory on Mauna Loa or Mauna Kea?

The primary observing site is located at the 3,397 metres (11,145 ft) level on Mauna Loa's north slope (19°32′10″N 155°34′34″W) about 5 kilometres (3 mi) north of the summit Mokuʻāweoweo. The Mauna Loa Solar Observatory and NSF's Global Oscillations Network Group (GONG) station share this site.

How far apart are Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa?

Mauna Loa, the biggest volcano on Earth — and one of the most active — covers half the Island of Hawaii. Just 35 miles to the northeast, Mauna Kea, known to native Hawaiians as Mauna a Wakea, rises nearly 14,000 feet above sea level.

What is bigger Mauna Kea or Mauna Loa?

Mauna Loa Volcano stands not quite as high as Mauna Kea but is much larger in volume.

What happens if Mauna Kea erupts?

"The next eruption will likely produce a lava flow, because each eruption in the past 60,000 years has done so. The longest flows will reach 15-25 km (9-15 miles) downslope. Most of each flow will be `a`a, but pahoehoe may form near vents.

Has anyone reached the top of Mauna Kea?

Two people, a Texas investor known for big adventures and a Hawaiian scientist, have become the first to fully ascend Mauna Kea. The base of the peak starts six kilometres below sea level. Victor Vescovo and marine scientist Cliff Kapono earned a Guinness World Record for their “climb” of the world's tallest mountain.

What would happen if Mauna Kea erupted?

"The next eruption will likely produce a lava flow, because each eruption in the past 60,000 years has done so. The longest flows will reach 15-25 km (9-15 miles) downslope. Most of each flow will be `a`a, but pahoehoe may form near vents.

What’s the difference between Mauna Loa and Mauna Kea?

What do Hawaiians think of Mauna Loa?

As in most Native American cultures, Native Hawaiians' beliefs hold that Mauna Loa and other volcanoes are alive, and their eruptions are how the Earth is reborn.

Can you go to Mauna Kea on your own?

If you plan to visit Mauna Kea yourself it is required to have a 4WD vehicle to drive to the summit. 2. It is recommended to stop at the Visitor Center at 9,200ft elevation for 30mins to help reduce the risk of elevation sickness.

Are Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa connected?

Lavas from Mauna Kea intersect with Mauna Loa's basal flows as a consequence of Kea's older age, and Mauna Kea's original rift zones were buried beneath post-shield volcanic rocks of Mauna Loa; additionally, Mauna Kea shares Mauna Loa's gravity well, depressing the ocean crust beneath it by 6 km (4 mi).

What volcano will erupt in 2023?

Kilauea VolcanoHawaii's Kilauea Volcano begins to erupt for third time in 2023. Hawaii's Kilauea Volcano, one of the most active in the world, has erupted again after a brief pause in activity. This is now Kilauea's third eruption this year.

What year did Mauna Kea last erupt?

Mauna Kea
Age of rockOldest dated rock: 237,000 ± 31,000 years BP Approximate: ~1 million years
Mountain typeShield volcano Hotspot volcano
Volcanic arc/beltHawaiian–Emperor seamount chain
Last eruption2460 BCE ± 100 years

Is it hard to breathe at the top of Mauna Kea?

At Mauna Kea summit, where the altitude is nearly 14,000 ft., the oxygen level is 40% less than the sea level and the air pressure is much lower as well. The following persons cannot participate in our tours as a lack of vital oxygen can cause serious health problems. Persons who have heart or lung disease.

Which is higher Mauna Loa or Mauna Kea?

It stands 4,207.3 m (13,803 ft) above sea level, about 38 m (125 ft) higher than its neighbor Mauna Loa, and is the highest point in the state of Hawaii. Like all Hawaiian volcanoes, Mauna Kea has been created as the Pacific tectonic plate has moved over the Hawaiian hotspot in the Earth's underlying mantle.

What would happen if Mauna Loa fully erupted?

Volcanic hazards associated with a Mauna Loa eruption include: voluminous, fast-moving lava flows. potentially large and destructive earthquakes and ground motion due to vertical and horizontal movements of the volcano's flanks as it inflates.

Is Mauna Loa violent?

Mauna Loa is not known to have produced an explosive eruption since 1843, but there is geologic evidence for some explosive activity in the past 1,000 to 300 years. Geologists have identified at least 4 debris fans comprised of fragmented rock deposits on top of pāhoehoe lava flows that spread from the summit.

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