How many pilots are on a 15 hour flight?

That requirement may vary slightly between operators. While some airlines require a third pilot for flights longer than seven hours, others may extend it to 10 hours. If the flight is longer than 12 hours, a fourth pilot (second officer) is required.

How many pilots does a Boeing 777 have?

Boeing 777-267

Wingspan199 ft 11 in.
Service Ceiling43,100 ft
Range5,240 miles
EnginesTwo Rolls-Royce Trent 884B-17 high bypass turbofans with 93,400 pounds of thrust each
Crew2 pilots, 13 flight attendants, 396 passengers

How many pilots are on each commercial flight?

How much do American Airlines pilots make on 777?

American Airlines Captain SalaryAmerican Airlines captain pay starts at $255 per hour. Pay for senior captains at American Airlines can reach considerable levels with pay on the 777 at year 12 reaching $342 per hour. The following are estimates for an American Airlines captain salary. Updated as of October 2023.

Do pilots pick their flights?

Each month, the scheduling department publishes all schedules and routes for the next month, called “lines”. Each pilot bids for the “line” they would like to fly, in order of preference. The most senior pilot is awarded their first choice; the next most senior pilot will receive the second choice, and so on.

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