Can FasTrak see how many people are in the car?

How does FasTrak know if there are 2+ people in the vehicle? You have a transponder with a switch. You move it from 1 person, to 2 persons, to 3 persons as appropriate, and it sends the appropriate signal to the toll gates as you're driving down the 110 and 10 Fast Trak lanes.

How does FasTrak flex know how many people?

The toll tag switch positions are used to tell the toll system the number of occupants in the vehicle, so the correct toll amount is collected. The switch positions also assist with California Highway Patrol (CHP) enforcement of express lane use.

Does FasTrak notify you?

FasTrak will notify you (on your account statement) whenever your replenishment amount has been adjusted, either increased or decreased. Replenishment amounts can vary, and timing of replenishment is not always consistent.

Can FasTrak detect how many people are in the car?

Can I use my FasTrak in my friends car?

Yes. Hardcase FasTrak transponders can be moved from car to car. Please ensure every vehicle's license plate is listed on the account to avoid violation.

Can I use someone else’s FasTrak in my car?

A FasTrak CAV toll tag may only be used in the eligible CAV to which it is registered.

Can you use FasTrak without the device?

FasTrak drivers must have a transponder mounted to their vehicle's windshield. Transponders make it easier for tolling agencies to charge the correct toll to the appropriate vehicle automatically, resulting in faster processing times with higher levels of accuracy.

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