What makes mal de debarquement worse?

Mal de debarquement (MDD) is a rare and poorly understood disorder of the vestibular system that results in a phantom perception of self- motion typically described as rocking, bobbing or swaying. The symptoms tend to be exacerbated when a patient is not moving, for example, when sleeping or standing still.

Can you drive with disembarkment syndrome?

In order to prevent exacerbation of MDDS with travel on planes/boat/train etc patients can opt to take Diazepam or Clonazepam. Obviously, they can drive and will be somewhat sedated with these medications.

Is Disembarkment syndrome curable?

If you are younger, symptoms associated with mal de debarquement syndrome may go away on their own. For other patients, mal de debarquement syndrome is challenging to treat. Treatments may include: Brain stimulation therapy — new therapy that uses electrical signals to transforms how the brain works.

How long does Disembarkment syndrome last?

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