What time is check-in for international flights in Bali?

We advise passengers to check in at the airport at least 1 (one) hour before departure time for domestic departure and 2 (two) hours before departure time for international departure; however, it is even better to arrive at the airport earlier than expected.

What is peak hour for Bali airport?

The Head of Immigration, Officer Rachmad, was able to provide me with the following time schedule where passengers can expect things to be busy at Denpasar Airport: 06:00am – 13:00pm – Normal. 13:00am – 15:00 pm – BUSY. 15:00pm – 20:00pm – Normal.

How long does it take to get visa on arrival at Bali airport?

The whole process usually takes around 15-30 minutes, depending on the number of arrivals at the time. After receiving your visa, you'll be able to enter Bali and stay for up to 30 days.

How long does it take to get through Bali Airport departures?

Why do you need to check-in 3 hours before an international flight?

Most airlines recommend arriving at the airport three hours before departure for international flights. It's common for international flights to start boarding earlier than domestic flights (the aircraft are often larger and have higher passenger capacities), which accounts for the earlier recommendation.

Can you get visa on arrival at Denpasar airport?

Visa On Arrival is granted to foreign nationals who fulfill the requirements and conditions upon arrival in Indonesia. The Visa On Arrival is issued by the Immigration Officials at the Immigration checkpoints in Ngurah Rai Airport. We provide 20 counters at arrival terminal.

What time is traffic worst in Bali?

Local rush hour is really between 6-8am and then again around 5-7pm. For tourist traffic in popular resort areas, congestion builds up around 8-10am as everyone leaves for their day trips and builds up again around 4-7pm as visitors return and start to head out again for their evening activities.

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