What kind of clothes to pack for Hawaii?

You'll be in the tropics. As far as clothes go, think casual and comfortable: t-shirts, tank tops, polo shirts, shorts, capris and swimsuits. Inside businesses, be sure to cover up and wear more than just a swimsuit. Slacks, a skirt or dress and a few nice blouses and shirts will be fine for evenings.

What should I wear on a plane to Hawaii?

Bring or wear layers of clothing that you can add or take off depending on your needs. A jacket or sweater is a must and not a waste of travel space. You'll most likely need/want a jacket or sweater in Hawaii's higher elevations.

Do people wear leggings in Hawaii?

Leggings | Leggings or athletic shorts are perfect for Hawaii hiking. For warm days you'll be more comfortable in the latter, but leggings come in handy for hiking at higher elevations on Maui, Kauai and the Big Island.

What kind of clothes to wear to Hawaii?

Why do people wear jeans to Hawaii?

Hawaii itself is around 80 degrees year-round so you likely won't need these to wear there, except for maybe at night. Every single indoor place in Hawaii is air conditioned excessively which is why sometimes jeans are helpful!

How should I dress for dinner in Hawaii?

Dinner Shows, Restaurant Dinners & Dinner Cruise – “Dressy casual.” Ladies: Slacks and blouse or dress shorts, casual dresses/ maxi dresses, skirts or Aloha evening wear, etc. Gentlemen: Slacks, Dress shorts, polo/knit/dress shirt, or Aloha attire. Jackets are not required, but you may wear one if you choose.

What can you not bring into Hawaii?


  • Pineapple and bromeliad plants and fruits.
  • Passion fruit plants and seeds.
  • Cruciferous root vegetables (radish, turnip, daikon, horseradish, rutabaga)
  • Corn on the cob.
  • Citrus and pulpy fruits from Florida & Puerto Rico.
  • Taro and dasheen.
  • Coconuts.

What is Aloha casual dress code?

a. Shirt/blouses: aloha print, buttoned up, modest design that covers the chest, stomach, and shoulders, tucked in or out. b. Pants: casual slacks, solid colored, belt required for slacks with loops when shirt is tucked in, are to be worn at the natural waistline, midpoint between the hips and the bottom rib.

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