How much is the cash withdrawal fee in Spain?

If you're using a foreign debit, credit or cash card, you may have to pay withdrawal fees which can range from around 50 cents to around €3 per withdrawal.

Which ATM has no fees in Spain?


  • Bankinter.
  • Deutsche Bank.
  • Euro Automatic Cash.
  • Grupo Cajamar.
  • Banca March.
  • Grupo Cajas Rurales.
  • Laboral Kutxa Bank.
  • Targo Bank.

Which ATM in Spain does not charge a fee?

The best, no fee bank in Spain is Unicaja. You can draw Euros from your UK bank account without a transaction fee. There are lots of Unicaja bank branches in Spain, even up in the Andalucian mountains. Just search Unicaja on Google Maps to find the closest one.

How much does it cost to take money out in Tenerife?

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