What is the airplane lost show on Netflix?

When a plane mysteriously lands years after takeoff, the people onboard return to a world that has moved on without them and face strange new realities. Watch all you want. Melissa Roxburgh, Josh Dallas and J.R.

What actually happened to Manifest plane?

A piece of Flight 828 is found off the shore of Cuba, and after Ben Stone has a recurring vision of the plane exploding, he concludes that the plane did explode, leaving the passengers dead.

What was the reason Manifest was Cancelled?

By the finale, only 2.8 million viewers were interested enough to see the season through. Ratings are king in the world of TV and, sadly, those numbers just weren't good enough to convince NBC to keep the plane flying.

What is the Netflix show about the missing flight?

What did Cal see on flight 828?

He said they went into a bright, all-encompassing light … or into the glow. (Manifest cannot help but give things cutesy names for characters to repeat as if they were real things.) Cal remembers the glow! He saw it while they were on the flight.

Is Manifest based on real story?

Manifest isn't based on a true story per se, but it is connected in some way to the unexplained disappearance of Malaysian Airlines Flight 370, which perplexed millions of people when the story broke in March 2014. On the way to China from a Malaysian airport, the plane disappeared and was surprisingly never found.

Do we ever find out what happened to Flight 828 in Manifest?

A piece of Flight 828 is found off the shore of Cuba, and after Ben Stone has a recurring vision of the plane exploding, he concludes that the plane did explode, leaving the passengers dead.

What actually happens in Manifest?

In the finale, the Death Date arrived and all the passengers were brought together by a beacon of light. That is when Flight 828 came out of the lava fissure that the light emanated from and everyone had to board the flight to receive their final judgment. Still, not everyone survived as 11 died.

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