How do you estimate the weight of luggage?

Subtract your own weight from the overall weight.Do the math in your head, on paper, or using a calculator. For example, if you weighed 130 lb (59 kg) and the weight of you holding your luggage was 165 lb (75 kg), you would subtract 130 from 165, meaning your luggage weighs 35 lb (16 kg).

Is a bathroom scale accurate for weighing luggage?

A Regular Home ScaleThis device isn't the most reliable option, but it still works, especially if you're in a pinch for time. If weighing items such as travel backpacks by Tortuga using a bathroom scale, give some allowance to avoid exceeding limits due to scale inaccuracy.

Are luggage scales worth it?

Whether you're paying for a checked bag, a carry on is included with your flight, or you want to make sure your personal item isn't too heavy, bringing a luggage scale along for the ride is a great way to save weight and cash.

How can I measure my luggage weight at home?

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