What is Excess Baggage? Excess Baggage is baggage that is heavier or larger than the outlined allowance for your flight. All airlines have additional baggage fines set in place which will charge you for every kilo you have gone over the allocated weight.
How do I know if my luggage is 50 lbs?
The easiest to measure against a 50 lbs dumbbell or my 5 year old who weighed 49 lbs 🙂 Weigh yourself on a home scale, then weigh yourself holding the bag. Subtract the first from the second and you'll get the weight of the bag.
How do I know if my luggage is too heavy?
If we assume that you are only interested in knowing whether the luggage is over the weight limit, you simply lift a known weight of equivalent to or greater than the weight limit, and then lift the luggage, and see if it feels heavier or lighter than the comparator weight.