What is the UV in Tenerife in February?

UV index: 6Tenerife gets an average of 7 to 8 hours/day of sunshine in February, which is really good for a winter month. The UV index is higher than it was in January, situated at a 6 on a scale that goes up to 11 as max.

Is the UV index high in Tenerife?

Low. The UV index forecast for today in Santa Cruz de Tenerife is low.

Do you need sunscreen in Tenerife in February?

What should I pack for a week in Spain in February?

Spain is chilly and sometimes snowy in the winter, so there are some specific clothing items you'll need during this season:

  • Winter jacket.
  • Rain jacket.
  • Sun protection.
  • Hat, gloves, scarf.
  • Long pants.
  • Long shirts.
  • Sweaters.
  • Warm socks.

What should I pack for Canary Islands in February?

Winter Hint: From November to March, the Canary Islands are covered with a cool and wet climate. There's no need to bring a massive, bulky coat; just a jacket and an umbrella to keep you dry and toasty. The winter sun is still shining benignly, enough to allow you to surf and swim within a tolerable temperature.

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