How can I transport my pet to USA?

A veterinarian-issued health certificate stating your pet is healthy and fit to fly. This certificate must be completed within ten days of travel. Proof of rabies vaccination from all countries where rabies is present*.

How easy is it to move with a dog from UK to USA?

Cats and dogs do not require a permit to enter the U.S., they do not require a rabies vaccination either, as the UK and Ireland are rabies free. You should however, get a health certificate from your veterinary stating that your pet is fit and healthy to travel.

Can I move my dog from UK to USA?

Cats and dogs do not require a permit to enter the U.S., they do not require a rabies vaccination either, as the UK and Ireland are rabies free. You should however, get a health certificate from your veterinary stating that your pet is fit and healthy to travel.

How can I bring my pet to USA from UK?

How do I get a UK pet passport?

Pet passports show the details of the different health treatments your pet has had. You can get a pet passport from a vet authorised to issue them in any 'part 1' listed country.

How much does it cost to fly a dog to us?

Generally, airlines charge a pet fee of $100 to $200 each way, but prices will vary depending on where you're traveling and your airline. Check the airline's pet policy before purchasing a ticket to make sure your pet meets the airline's breed and size requirements. If not, the airline won't let them board.

How do I move my dog from London to the US?

You can enter or return to Great Britain with your pet cat, dog or ferret if it:

  1. has been microchipped.
  2. has a pet passport or health certificate.
  3. has been vaccinated against rabies – it will also need a blood test if you're travelling from an country that is not 'listed'
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