In the 2000s, affluence, a growing surplus of leisure time and a relaxation of government travel restrictions made tourism available to China's rapidly expanding middle class. From 2009 to 2019, the number of travelers grew from 47.7 million to 154.63 million. These new tourists spent handsomely.
Why is China visited so much?
A Beijing opera actor on the Great Wall: China's culture and architectural feats are top reasons to visit. China's awesome and monumental ancient treasures exceed all other countries for size and number — from ancient palaces to the Great Wall, city walls, buried armies, canals, pagodas, temples, and giant Buddhas.
Why is tourism increasing in China?
Where are the Chinese tourists going?
Now, Chinese travelers may be looking to venture beyond the region. According to a June survey by the research intelligence company Morning Consult, Chinese interest to visit Europe, Central America and Antarctica is up — with plans to visit the Middle East and Northern Africa, namely Egypt, rising the most.
What is the tourism strategy of China?
China Unveils New Measures to Boost Tourism and Attract International Travelers. China has revealed a strategy to revitalize its tourism sector and attract a greater number of foreign tourists. This initiative includes the reintroduction of visa-free policies and measures to simplify travel and payment procedures.
Why Chinese economy is growing so fast?
China's economy has grown to one of the largest and most powerful in the world over the past few decades. Driven by industrial production and manufacturing exports, China's GDP is actually now the largest in terms of purchasing power parity (PPP) equivalence.