That's why our holidays in Madeira complete with whale watching all run between April and October, to give you the best chance of seeing these mighty mammals.
Are there Orcas in Madeira?
Sea Life You Can SpotThe most common whale species you can expect to see include the Sperm Whale, Sei Whale, Pilot Whale, Humpback Whale, Bryde Whale, False Killer Whale, Fin Whale, and even Orcas.
Does Madeira have whales?
When can I see whales in Madeira?
There are always bottlenose dolphins and at least a couple of whale species swimming in the waters around Madeira, and boats go out year-round. The best time to go, however, is between May and September, when whales and dolphins are most plentiful.
Are there sharks in Madeira?
The most common sighted shark species around Madeira are: hammerheads, mako, blue and different greyshark species.