Onboard the aircraftYour service animal must be permitted to accompany you in the space under the seat in front of you. Certain small service animals may be permitted to sit on your lap, if it can be done so safely. Your service animal cannot block a space that must remain unobstructed for safety reasons (ex.
Where do they put your dog on a plane?
Pets are placed in “hold 5”, at the rear of the plane. It is part of the cargo area underneath the cabin, but it is separated and it is heated. It is kept at the same temperature and pressure as the cabin, since the captain is notified of animals on board, and will make sure of this.
Where do big dogs go on an airplane?
How are large dogs transported on planes?
By Plane: Fly with your dog. Several airlines do accept large dogs by storing them in the plane's cargo. The hold is temperature-controlled and pressurized, so it is a humane way to transport them. For most airlines, pets weighing 17 pounds or more qualify as large and must travel in the hold.
What if my service dog is too big for the plane?
If your animal is too large or too heavy to be safely accommodated in the cabin, you may need to: Rebook on a flight with more open seats. Buy a ticket for the animal. Transport the animal as a checked pet.
Is it safe for a dog to fly in cargo?
Cargo travel is stressful for any pet, young or old. Senior pets, pets prone to anxiety, or those in general poor health are at increased risk of heart failure during travel. Please consult your vet before travel to ensure your dog or cat has a clean bill of health and is an appropriate candidate for cargo travel.