How much spirits can I bring back from the Canary Islands?

Customs rules. 1 litre of spirits with an alcohol content of over 22% or 2 litres of sparkling wine. 4 litres of still wine.

How much alcohol can I bring back from Spain?

Carrying alcohol and tobacco when travelling between EU countries

GoodsEU guideline values
Spirits (for example whiskey or gin)10 litres
Fortified wine (such as sherry or port)20 litres
Wine90 litres (of which only 60 litres can be sparkling)
Beer110 litres


Can you take alcohol home in your suitcase from Spain?

Keep in mind, travelers can't transport bottles with more than 70 percent alcohol content and can only take five liters of alcohol between 24 and 70 percent. Fortunately, wine mostly falls under 24 percent, so you can bring home as many bottles as you want.

How much alcohol can you bring back from Canary Islands?

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