Can I make my existing Railcard digital?

You cannot swap a plastic Railcard to a digital Railcard.

How do I add a digital device to my Railcard?

If you have already bought a digital Railcard, you should have received a 'digital Railcard Download code' on both the purchase confirmation page and by email. Once you've got this code, go to the Railcard app, tap on the '+' button in the top left of the screen and enter your code.

How do I make my Railcard digital?

Digital Railcards can be bought online only, go to the to get started. Once you have chosen your Railcard, you will be directed to your chosen Railcard website to buy your Railcard. When you are prompted to 'Choose the type of Railcard you would like', choose 'Digital'.

Can I change my Railcard to digital?

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