How much does it cost to take train from Seattle airport to downtown Seattle?

$3.00 each wayLink light rail connects downtown Seattle to SeaTac Airport with 11 stops in between. The ride only takes 37 minutes from Airport to Westlake Center and costs only $3.00 each way (Youth 6-18: $1.50; Seniors 65+ & Disabled: $1.00). For more information about Link light rail, visit

Can Uber pick you up at Seattle airport?

Do drivers using Uber pick up at SEA? Yes. Go to this list of airports around the world where you can request a ride with Uber. How much will an Uber trip to SEA cost?

Is it safe to take the light rail in Seattle?

Yes, generally speaking riding Link is safe at all hours. There are some privately contracted security guards in tunnel station stops and on board at times. There is also an intercom to contact the train driver (located towards the center of the car where wheelchair / accessible riders park their chairs.

What is the best way to get from Seattle airport to downtown?

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