What is unique about Tenerife?

The Teide Volcano is the third highest in the world among island mountains. Its shadow cast on the sea is the largest in the world. The world's longest network of natural labyrinths of volcanic origin lay below Icod de los Vinos.

Why do Travellers go to Tenerife?

The weatherOne of the main reasons why so many tourists flock to Tenerife is because its temperate climate means the island enjoys sunshine all year round. While summers are hot and dry, winters can be mild and pleasant, and the chances of rainfall are slim. So you can go any time of the year!

What celebrities are in Tenerife?

Puerto de la Cruz attracts the celebrities in Tenerife.

  • Elizabeth Taylor. …
  • Matt Damon. …
  • George Clooney. …
  • Liam Neeson & Ralph Fiennes. …
  • Bill Clinton. …
  • Michael Jackson in concert. …
  • Brian May & U2. …
  • Beatles on Holiday.

What is so special about Tenerife?

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