272 stationsLondon Underground, better known as the Tube, has 11 lines covering 402km and serving 272 stations. The Tube handles up to five million passenger journeys a day. At peak times, there are more than 543 trains whizzing around the Capital.
Is Thomson-East Coast line fully underground?
The Thomson–East Coast Line (TEL) is a high-capacity Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) line in Singapore. Coloured brown on the rail map, it is fully underground.
Is TEL fully underground?
What is the deepest Underground station?
HampsteadThe deepest station is Hampstead on the Northern line, which runs down to 58.5 metres.
What percentage of the Underground is overground?
Around 55% of the London Underground is actually above the ground.
Is Tel fully opened?
The Thomson-East Coast Line Stage 3 (TEL3) has opened for passenger service on 13 November 2022.