Yes. Isolation can be a big problem for certain personality types. Strangely, most pilots are introverts so they have a harder time making friends than the average person. Add that to inconsistent schedules and not a lot of time at home and you have a good predictor for depression.
How busy is a pilots life?
According to the most recent U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports, airline pilots average 75 flight hours per month. The CFRs limit Part 121 pilots to 100 flight hours per calendar month and 30 hours in any seven consecutive days.
Do pilots meet a lot of people?
What is it like to marry a pilot?
Rookie pilots with low seniority will get the scraps that are left over and can hope for better luck next month. Schedules are often bid month to month, so it is hard to plan your life too far in advance unless your spouse is using vacation time to guarantee a specific day off.
Is being a pilot a lonely job?
Loneliness is experienced in equal amounts for both married and single pilots, but the types and depth are different. Single pilots can experience a deeper social and existential loneliness that can accumulate over time, even though there's acceptance within themselves that being single is okay.
What personality is needed to be a pilot?
Most pilots are confident in their ability to handle difficult situations – a critical trait for commercial pilots. Agreeableness includes personality traits like trust, straightforwardness, altruism, modesty and tendermindedness.