You can use your Anytime Single train ticket on the date shown, or up until the end of the next day. Anytime Single tickets are the perfect option if you know you need to make a one-way trip within a two-day timeframe but aren't sure of the exact time you'll travel.
Are Trainline tickets valid?
Is Trainline legitimate? Yes, Trainline is legitimate. Their app and website connect directly to rail and coach carriers' ticketing platforms so every ticket you buy through Trainline is valid for travel.
How long are Trainline tickets valid for?
How long do advance train tickets last?
About Advance ticketsThey must be bought in advance and are only valid on the date and train specified. All Advance tickets are for single journeys, but you can combine tickets to create your whole journey, including your return.
How long can you use a return train ticket?
When using an Open Return ticket your outbound journey must be made within 5 days. The return portion of your journey is valid for one calendar month.