What is the fastest speed achieved by a train?

357.2 MPHFastest Train in the World – 357.2 MPHThe current world speed record for a commercial train on steel wheels is held by the French TGV at 574.8 km/h (357.2 mph), achieved on 3 April 2007 on the new LGV Est.

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What is the fastest train in the world history?

The world record for a conventional wheeled passenger train is held by a specially modified french TGV high-speed train code named V150, set in 2007 when it reached 574.8 km/h (357.2 mph) on a 140 km (87 mi) section of track.

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What was the first train to break 100 mph?

Flying ScotsmanIt all began on this day in 1934. Then, the “Flying Scotsman” became the first steam locomotive to be officially recorded reaching 100 mph, during the 393-mile trip for London and Edinbugh.

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What train broke the speed record?

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